Vote For Your Future - Give a XXXX

One-third of young people in the UK are not registered to vote. That’s shocking. Particularly after the upset of Brexit, where the younger generations swung massively into the ‘remain’ camp.

Ahead of the European elections in 2019, bi-partisan group Vote for Your Future wanted to raise awareness of this and urge more young people to vote with a simple and stand-out message, so we came up ‘Give a XXXX’, putting some attitude behind those X’s in a box.

Our campaign ran across posters sites and social media, as well as being produced on to t-shirts, stickers, leaflets and endless other merchandise. In the end it got a lot of love in the press and on social media, and more importantly it made over 130,000 people flood the registration site on deadline day to show they really XXXXing care.
